Monday, June 27, 2016

'Brexit'!!?? So what?

Here is a rarely heard explanation of why the 'Brexit" was approved:

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

We should close down NATO before it kills us

Here is a reasoned discussion of NATO's latest ploys.  It is scary.

There is no reason for NATO to exist anymore.  All it does is start stupid wars which Canada is expected to jump into and waste our scant military resources for nothing but dead soldiers and wasted weapons in return.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Another attempt to destroy an idea with bombs

Once again, stupid American congressmen attempt to deal with the problems created by their wars, by starting another war.

The definition of insanity involves expecting a different result when one repeats the same actions.  I think this could be the real meaning of American Exceptionalism.

Ron Paul still knows what's happening

Here he points out that the only gov't response to the Orlando shootings has been to allow more warrant-less spying on the population based upon prejudice, racism and mindless fear.

Every disaster is used as an excuse to turn the country into an Orwellian dictatorship.   Oh ... wait ... that's already happened.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

How the primary system works to defeat democracy

Here is a text book on how to avoid responding to the will of the majority of voters:

The expediency offered by political parties seems to have given us a system wherein the individual voter's preferences are subservient to those of the party.

This is not a good system.

Some truth about the terrorism prevention industry

Vested interests created by governments are often the primary/root cause of terrorist incidents.  Check out this summary of recent events:

I don't understand why the agents who controls these informants and provide them with arms, explosives, technical training, transport, support, etc. are not charged with aiding and abetting terrorism.  

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Here the real scoop about the bank of Canada

The people of Canada own this bank, and are entitled to share in its profits.  The government of Canada is supposed to borrow money from the Bank of Canada.  Thus, a federal deficit becomes an investment, not a liability for the people of Canada.

Given the availability of the Bank Of Canada as a source of funds, would someone please explain why Canada borrows from charter banks?

Here's and detailed description of the issues:

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

We need to Redefine the Middle East wars

Every so often someone comes up with a good suggestion;

Why are all the political leaders so afraid of re-justifying the fighting in the Middle  East?  What really do they expect from all of the blood, guts, and hardware being destroyed over there?  Is it really only about continuing to produce weapons so that corporations can get rich?  I think that must be the answer.

If it was just oil, we could simply buy it for much less than is being spent on munitions.  Hence, the main purpose seems to be keeping the gunmakers happy.  Nothing else makes sense.