Thursday, December 31, 2009

Some light reading ...

Here ya go:

Sort of re-definition of who the bad guys are, at the end of the first decade of the 21st century.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Who benefits from wars? - Further educational reading

Sorry to intervene in the seasonal gush of niceness, but I wanted to highlight a bit of commentary that seems appropriate as we look forward to our troops ending their mission in Afghanistan ( ... any bets on the actual date?)


What corporation are you fighting for?

And for another historical look at this modus operandi, check out this article from Ray McGovern:

Monday, December 21, 2009

Something to which one can look forward ...

Pianos on the quarterdeck ....

.... and guys for whom one sax ain't enough :

Won't be long now!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Flowerzilla returns!

This thing just popped open in the dining room the other day! Doesn't it know that it's winter outside?

Friday, December 18, 2009

-20C in Ottawa, but not down here ...

... was it really three years ago that we visited this place? ...

It's feeling like the time to have another warm adventure, methinks.

Glenn Greenwald, nails it again

Here's a pretty clear exposition of what really drives our government's anti-human activities:

With increasing corporate control of all the media to which we are exposed, is it any wonder we never get to hear about the arguments Glenn Greenwald advances?

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Whimsy from the past

A friend, Tim Nugent, hand-painted these ties for me about ten years ago. They were too good to wear so Anna framed them.

They should really be seen by more people.

It's coming ...

It started one morning this fall when we saw this:

... and then last week we saw this horror!...

AAGgghhhh... winter!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Friday, October 30, 2009

Grey Jazz at the Aviation Museum

It's now cold and damp and daylight savings time ends this weekend and so it seems like a good time to go back to the heat of summer and reminisce a bit. Here's the Grey Jazz Band on July 1st at the Aviation Museum in full flight, as it were.

And for the truly fanatical fans of this blog's author, here's the trombone section pumping out the sounds.

Have you ever seen a more appropriately named group?

Thanks and all credit to Richard Lawrence ( for his photographic skills.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Squirrel-proof bird feeders

Say What??!!

Anna just installed the latest in technology to ensure that the birds got fed this winter,

Regardez le film!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Since it's 9/11 ...

and everything changed on that day, here's a good summation of the progress achieved since then.

We probably should insist that our government(s) provide some evidence to support their actions over the last ten years. There is an election coming, n'est-ce pas? Might be a good time to ask some questions.

Here's a starter: Exactly why are Canadian troops in NATO and thus in Afghanistan? For the money and lives that have been spent, what do we get out of it? Why is that more important than unemployment insurance, arctic sovereignty, fisheries research, pension guarantees, good public transport and clean fresh water in all our houses? If we must fight NATO's adventures in Nowhereistan (far from the North Atlantic), why aren't our allies coughing up the cannon fodder and equipment at the same rate that we are?

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Something I had not considered ...

Lifted without explicit permission from

"Is God an atheist?

Does God believe in a higher power? Of course not, he's God.

Think about God, using his Heavenly computer to, say, investigate the origin of the universe.
He can find evidence of the Big Bang because that exists, but he certainly won't find any evidence of
God being involved, so wouldn't He, by definition, be an atheist? Certainly God's too smart to lie to Himself.

If God doesn't believe in a higher power, why should you?

When God is facing a big problem, do you think he prays?
Of course not, he's God. Who in the hell is he going to pray to?

All God could do is what you and I should do:
Look at the available facts and study the evidence and come to a logical conclusion.

Seriously, do you really need angels and prayers to make good decisions?
Be like God, and forget that higher-power crappola.


Saturday, August 29, 2009

Logic in a dangerous world

Our tax dollars at work. Here's a lovely discussion of the modern way of fighting that Canada's government thinks is just great.

But the real problem is why this is all happening. Who is funding these adventures in nation-building, and more importantly, who benefits from these activities. Here is a reasoned opinion that makes sense to me, and starts to illuminate the answers to the foregoing simple questions.

I think we have been eliminated from having any say in how out taxes are spent. In the late 1700s, a group of people objected to this sort of thing with some success, for a few years. Now it's the same-old same-old running things again.

SERFDOM - the natural order of your life!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

A prediction I can accept

Here's a Philip Giraldi prediction that I want to place here so that all you closet warriors can respond in six months time and discuss:

Six More Months

Let the debate begin!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Welcome to (Canada + US) = (Austria + Nazi Germany)

Here's a little item about how our government interprets their mission in life.

We really seem to be sinking into the slime along with our southern neighbours.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Ottawa Folkfest

We checked out the Folk Festival this year as Anna had provided a floral box that was to be in a silent auction to raise funds for the event.

Ray Bonneville was on hand and found himself involved in a 'workshop' with some performers from Cameroon.

The Arrogant Worms from Kingston were back wowing the crowd ...

... and Bruce Cockburn gave a great show to round off the days events.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Too much fun ..

Anna threw a birthday party for me yesterday, and around 80+ folks showed up to schlurp and burp and slide and glide and toot and hoot and holler.

Trouble is, I forgot to digitally document the occasion and don't have a single picture or video to show you the extent of the frivolity. Ah well, maybe next year.

Fortunately, Anna got some evidence and you can check things out at her blog here.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Trend spotting: Check this out!

I thought this was what was happening; somebody else finally got the numbers to prove it.

A new direction for our civilization

Feel better yet?

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

More to consider ...

Here's some reading for those who might wonder what's going on ...

Societal Trend?

I think I detect a large phalanx of police state sympathizers oozing up from the slime of 9/11. We are really no safer now than we were on 9/10, but the bully boys are back to brutalize those who won't be adequately obeisant to the thugs in OUR governments who claim to be protecting us from THEM.

Oh well, ... nothing to worry about ... .... really ... ... or is there ... ?

Monday, July 27, 2009


There's a place in the mountains of Quebec that used to reverberate to the sounds of Can-Am and Trans-Am V8s roaring through the hills. Now, a different sound shakes you and forces your feet to move. Click to play the little movie ...

Yep, there's a Blues Festival in the new Mont Tremblant! And it's free!! And you can stumble around with your beverage from stage to stage without being hassled!!! And the bands are great, with half of them Americans touring to or from the Ottawa, Montreal, Toronto etc., etc., festivals and the others being the best of the regional blues guys!!!! Like here's Rick L. Blues on stage for the final day!!!!!! These guys are so great I even bought the CD!!!!!!
(If you know me, you will understand the significance of that act of commerce.)

Monday, July 13, 2009

Look again ...

I've always found that this photo induces a conceptual cramp for some reason. Take a close look.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

The musician's nightmare ...

Check out this youTube video detailing why you should never trust your instrument to any airline's baggage handlers

Thanks to Jonathan Turley for covering this sad saga in the Sons of Maxwell's life on the road.


The Sons of Maxwell are from the Maritimes!! Good on them!.

Apparently there has actually been some response involving a charity from United, so the video and YouTube seem to have achieved some result.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Some interesting thoughts from Joe Conason re priorities ....

"Yes, a trillion dollars is a significant amount of money, even on a scale as large as the American economy. Had we avoided the stupid waste of $2 trillion or $3 trillion on the war, we could have paid for a long list of social goods that would have improved the lives of the American people, enhanced their productivity and secured their future. To name only a few of many better choices, we could have moved rapidly toward alternative energy sources and reduced our dependence on foreign sources of oil for about $500 billion, achieved universal literacy in the United States for about $5 billion, rebuilt the Gulf Coast damaged by Hurricane Katrina for about $200 billion, ended hunger and all the diseases caused by poverty for another $200 billion—and still have a substantial sum remaining to build new schools, roads, bridges, railways and other badly needed infrastructure.

The senators who now claim that we cannot afford to spend a trillion dollars to make long overdue changes in health care know exactly what that amount can buy. They know because they have spent it, year after year, on military misadventures and subsidies to big banks and corporations, without stinting or whining. Why can we always afford those trillion-dollar boondoggles, but never decent health care for all Americans?"

Joe Conason writes for The New York Observer.

The sad fact is that the same sort of BS permeates Canadian political activity, with similar non-results and missed opportunities.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Catalpa knowledge

Previously, I pointed out the remarkable summer flowering of the Catalpa tree. Did I mention that even this marvel ends up really messy?

However, take a close peek at the amazing little flowers, and once again, all is forgiven.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

For those with bumper stickers ...

Here's a good article on why i don't do bumper stickers:

Again, those disturbed by the non-status quo should probably not read this sort of thing.

Now what?!!! ...

Paikwa and Keegan don't seem to appreciate my disturbing their solarium time by asking them to pose. Ooops!

They said it couldn't be done ...

Lynn & Bill Richards discovered the wonders of Jenga during their recent visit. What started out competitive became cooperative when we started to get close to the maximum possible number of levels. Check out Anna's blog to see who ran up against the inevitable laws of physics and gravity in this particular game.

Darcy's B'day, June 25

Look at the wild celebration that ensued when Darcy was told it was his 1st birthday!

Wowzee, wowzee!! Hold him back, folks, the place'll be wrecked!

One Week Wonder ...

Catalpa trees are late to wake up in the spring and drop huges leaves and seed pods in the fall which are truly messy to clean up, but for the one week in early summer when they suddenly break out in their flowers, they are amazing! Catalpas almost look like popcorn trees at this time, but up close the little flowers resemble small tropical orchids and give off a great odour for all to enjoy. Anna heard a little boy exclaim excitedly to his parents as they walked by, "Look! Look! Look at the beeeaaauuutiful tree!". Indeed!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Hot Club Of New Orleans

We discovered The Hot Club for the first time during this trip to the French Quarter, very impressive!
The band includes the guitar player and leader of the Jazz Vipers , and stresses the use of acoustic instruments rather than electronic effects.

Monday, April 27, 2009

French Quarter Festival 2009

We're back from New Orleans and will be sharing some pix and vids of the proceedings for the next little while. So let's start with the beginning; our home away from home, the Villa Convento, where we managed to get a room after much whining and begging

At Fritzel's on Bourbon St., we ran across Toronto's Happy Pals blowing up a storm for the masses. Do you suppose they wipe down the tables after a cornet player stomps across your dining area?

And here's a short clip of how they sounded as they passed the Tip Jar;

After that it's time to totally totalize the total tips.

Then the real musicians' magic happens as the filthy lucre is transformed miraculously into liquor, or donated to worthy charities, whichever seems most appropriate at the time.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Mick Collins 1938-2009

Here's a link to the Hot Five Jazzmakers' tribute to our friend Mick Collins:

Mick also shared these pix with us of his younger days. He was blessed with many interests and a wicked sense of humour.

We will all miss this man.

Monday, April 13, 2009

The nature of governments ...

I just thought I'd save the link to this rather persuasive article on the nature of those who would govern us peasants. Don't bother reading this, the knowledge accrued might be upsetting.

... and furthermore, here's a look at the nature of banks that explains a lot of the recent tremors in our financial landscape:

Friday, April 10, 2009

Anticipation ...

Where else can you get all this for FREE!!!!

From our last visit in 2005, Leroy Jones and Craig Klein on Bourbon St., playing for the fun-seekers.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The state of our universe, 21st century update

WARNING!! Thinkiness

Those who find such activity painful & difficult should not click on this link:

For those of you basking in Obama's magnificence, you can see that he has a few trivial items to work on in his spare time.

And here's the latest trick for your enslavement:

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Here'a an answer to the previous post: ... BECAUSE (!!?)

At least the American gov't is discussing the dope issue. See

And distinguished pseudo-curmudgeon Jack Cafferty has some thoughts on it as well. Check out

Another analysis for your consideration:

I guess I should stop trying to impose thoughtiness on you Dear Readers, so I'll shut up about real stuff for a while.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Something serious to think about

Maybe I'm shouting in the dark, but I think that the recent shootings in BC indicate it's time to seriously consider a solution like that found in Portugal, as outlined here:

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The new King of St. Patrick's Day - D'Arcy!

Waiting patiently for the partying to start.

Saturday, March 14, 2009


Monster plant just keeps getting bigger and bigger every morning. Soon, it'll want steak for breakfast.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Edmundston NB, Blues & Jazz Festival 2006

Derek Robertson's Jazz Band blasting away in a supermarket to promote the Edmundston Blues & Jazz Fest. Pik re-discovered while pouring thru the archives.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Remember that little bird from San Diego?

He showed up again in DisneyWorld! Still nagging about the Delbert cruise next January.

It's a good thing he's persistent since claims that the cruise is already sold out! At least we got our name in before the cutoff.

Look what we found in the dining room!

Carol gave Anna a bulb last November, and look what finally appeared. Wow!!

Saturday, March 7, 2009


Here's the Canadian Section at Epcot, being checked out by a concerned citizen:

... and here's Canada's own Off Kilter entertaining the masses

.... les oreilles d'élégance sported by Anna for most of the trip

... and the world famous DaVine had Bob entranced (look closely at the tall plant).

... and, of course, the star of the show was everywhere, Mr. M. Mouse

... and here's a clip of the finale of the nightly fireworks show at Epcot, including the "big one" that somebody asked for, ...

Monday, February 16, 2009

National Aviation Museum

I played a joint concert with the Grey Jazz Big Band and the Centralaires Concert band at the National Aviation Museum Sunday. I finally was able to place my trombone among metal stuff that was older than it is.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Next January ...

I was recently visited by a little bird that I met in San Diego in January 2008, and she reminded me that it was time to get my name in for the final Delbert McClinton cruise leaving from Florida in January of 2010 ( see ).

Also check out to see some clips of the music on the cruise.

We really am ready for some more of this sort of thing:

and this (Jo-El Sonnier and Charlie Rich Jr. in a night concert on the quarterdeck, Jan 2008)

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Cold night? ...

No problemo! ....

Sunday, January 11, 2009

View from the Souper Jazz bandstand

The Swing Dynamite crowd at their dance opening the "Shag Explosion" weekend, Jan 9-11.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Sad economic and artistic news ...

Waterford Crystal in Kilkenny, Ireland has just gone into receivership. Anna picked up this little chunk last September.

Most recent publicity stills of our boyz

In their favourite cold-weather hangouts. In chronological order of their joining our colony, we have:


Keegan: (he just doesn't do winter)

and D'Arcy: