Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Catalpa knowledge

Previously, I pointed out the remarkable summer flowering of the Catalpa tree. Did I mention that even this marvel ends up really messy?

However, take a close peek at the amazing little flowers, and once again, all is forgiven.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

For those with bumper stickers ...

Here's a good article on why i don't do bumper stickers:


Again, those disturbed by the non-status quo should probably not read this sort of thing.

Now what?!!! ...

Paikwa and Keegan don't seem to appreciate my disturbing their solarium time by asking them to pose. Ooops!

They said it couldn't be done ...

Lynn & Bill Richards discovered the wonders of Jenga during their recent visit. What started out competitive became cooperative when we started to get close to the maximum possible number of levels. Check out Anna's blog to see who ran up against the inevitable laws of physics and gravity in this particular game.

Darcy's B'day, June 25

Look at the wild celebration that ensued when Darcy was told it was his 1st birthday!

Wowzee, wowzee!! Hold him back, folks, the place'll be wrecked!

One Week Wonder ...

Catalpa trees are late to wake up in the spring and drop huges leaves and seed pods in the fall which are truly messy to clean up, but for the one week in early summer when they suddenly break out in their flowers, they are amazing! Catalpas almost look like popcorn trees at this time, but up close the little flowers resemble small tropical orchids and give off a great odour for all to enjoy. Anna heard a little boy exclaim excitedly to his parents as they walked by, "Look! Look! Look at the beeeaaauuutiful tree!". Indeed!