Tuesday, July 28, 2009
More to consider ...
Societal Trend?
I think I detect a large phalanx of police state sympathizers oozing up from the slime of 9/11. We are really no safer now than we were on 9/10, but the bully boys are back to brutalize those who won't be adequately obeisant to the thugs in OUR governments who claim to be protecting us from THEM.
Oh well, ... nothing to worry about ... .... really ... ... or is there ... ?
Monday, July 27, 2009
Yep, there's a Blues Festival in the new Mont Tremblant! And it's free!! And you can stumble around with your beverage from stage to stage without being hassled!!! And the bands are great, with half of them Americans touring to or from the Ottawa, Montreal, Toronto etc., etc., festivals and the others being the best of the regional blues guys!!!! Like here's Rick L. Blues on stage for the final day!!!!!! These guys are so great I even bought the CD!!!!!!
(If you know me, you will understand the significance of that act of commerce.)
Monday, July 13, 2009
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
The musician's nightmare ...
Thanks to Jonathan Turley for covering this sad saga in the Sons of Maxwell's life on the road.
The Sons of Maxwell are from the Maritimes!! Good on them!.
Apparently there has actually been some response involving a charity from United, so the video and YouTube seem to have achieved some result.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Some interesting thoughts from Joe Conason re priorities ....
"Yes, a trillion dollars is a significant amount of money, even on a scale as large as the American economy. Had we avoided the stupid waste of $2 trillion or $3 trillion on the war, we could have paid for a long list of social goods that would have improved the lives of the American people, enhanced their productivity and secured their future. To name only a few of many better choices, we could have moved rapidly toward alternative energy sources and reduced our dependence on foreign sources of oil for about $500 billion, achieved universal literacy in the United States for about $5 billion, rebuilt the Gulf Coast damaged by Hurricane Katrina for about $200 billion, ended hunger and all the diseases caused by poverty for another $200 billion—and still have a substantial sum remaining to build new schools, roads, bridges, railways and other badly needed infrastructure.
The senators who now claim that we cannot afford to spend a trillion dollars to make long overdue changes in health care know exactly what that amount can buy. They know because they have spent it, year after year, on military misadventures and subsidies to big banks and corporations, without stinting or whining. Why can we always afford those trillion-dollar boondoggles, but never decent health care for all Americans?"
Joe Conason writes for The New York Observer.
The sad fact is that the same sort of BS permeates Canadian political activity, with similar non-results and missed opportunities.