Monday, July 26, 2010

Wikileaks is important

Here's why:

See! Now we can know more about what each of us taxpayers is actually sanctioning with our dollars.

Are you proud of what you've paid for?

Friday, July 23, 2010

Don't read this article.

It's too true and depressing. Once again Glenn Greenwald nails it.

Canada is not far behind in its fall into depravity.

Next time you drive the Highway of Heroes ...

Here's some ideas from William J. Astore to think about:

"*By making our military generically heroic, we act to prolong our wars. By seeing war as essentially heroic theater, we esteem it even as we excuse it. Consider, for example, Germany during World War I, a subject I’ve studied and written about. Now, as then, and here, as there, the notion of war as heroic theater became common. And when that happens, war’s worst excesses are conveniently softened on the "home front," which only contributes to more war-making. As the historian Robert Weldon Whalen noted of those German soldiers of nearly a century ago, "The young men in field-grey were, first of all, not just soldiers, but young heroes, Junge Helden. They fought in the heroes’ zone, Heldenzone, and performed heroic deeds, Heldentaten. Wounded, they shed hero’s blood, Heldenblut, and if they died, they suffered a hero’s death, Heldentod, and were buried in a hero’s grave, Heldengrab." The overuse of helden as a modifier to ennoble German militarism during World War I may prove grating to our ears today, but honestly, is it that much different from America’s own celebration of our troops as young heroes (with all the attendant rites)?"

Monday, July 19, 2010

What did the gov't gain by lying?

I bet you didn't read anything like this in a Canadian newspaper:

Why do politicians always cover each other's ass? Why do they allow their predecessors to, literally, get away with murder? What is the problem with throwing the book at liars, war criminals, thieves, and murderers just because they happened to win an election just prior to their crimes?

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

My heroes, D'Arcy and Wylie at work

Don't worry, be happy:

See! It's contagious!

It's been a while so I thought you'd be ready for more

This has all the hallmarks of a good movie:

It's too bad that 'our' side is playing the bad guys. But, that's just the way it is these days.