Thursday, December 29, 2011

A Year-end Review of Civil Liberties

Here's what's happened to our neighbours to the south:

Anybody think that things are any different in Canada?

Sunday, December 18, 2011

The truth about Iraq

Here's what happened in Iraq:

Afghanistan is no different.

How can anyone feel proud of Canada's involvement in these episodes?

Sunday, December 11, 2011

More about our controllers

Some more thoughts regarding the role of corporations in controlling our society:

Of particular interest is the historical discussion of how corporations originally arose and how soon thereafter they were turned against the society that created them. Again ... and ... again ... and ... again.

It is time to retake control of our beasts.

For more history on this subject:

Why the bad guys win

Stalin is alleged to have inferred that democracies are controlled by whoever count the ballots, not the people who cast the votes. In a similar manner, criminal punishment is more a matter of choosing which laws are to be enforced rather than the magnitude of the crime.

This means that important people rarely get investigated for the crimes they commit.

This fact is destroying our culture, in my opinion.

Consider the article by David Sirota:

See, Al Capone just didn't have friends in the right places!

Our neighbour's values

Here's something to think about when admiring the government of our nearest, dearest, neighbour:

Things aren't as pleasant as they are portrayed in our corporate media, or by our fawning government spokespersons.