Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Something I've suspected recently ...

Here's a theory about the sort of people who caused the recent financial meltdown. It makes sense to me.


The scary part is the same people are still in charge.

Monday, February 20, 2012

More on arbitrary imprisonment

More on the due-process-free actions of our governments:


Where have all the values gone?

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Habeus Corpus, a primer

Here's an article regarding two people being held at an American base, and how Habeus Corpus just might help them.


This is only possible because Britain, unlike America, still pretends to believe in the efficacy of Habeus Corpus. It will be interesting to see if the British government will obey its own Court Of Appeal, or whether it will abrogate the rule of law in Britain, just as has been done in the United States.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Here's a good sign

This article indicates the influence of Noble Peace Prize winner Muhammad Yunos, who started Grameen Bank, the first microbank, in 1983.


I wish the effort all the best. This could be revolutionary if it caught on in a big way.