Friday, March 29, 2013

More thoughts on priorities

Here's a paragraph from a discussion by Spencer Ackerman ( that is worth serious thought:

"Money, ultimately, is power. In context, it would take a nuclear strike on the United States to inflict the kind of economic damage that the wars have reaped. The only nations capable of inflicting such damage are disinclined toward doing so; and no non-state actor will plausibly obtain the capability to match such a threat. All of that damage is the result not of what bin Laden or Saddam Hussein or the insurgencies that began in their wake did to America, but because of how American strategiests chose to respond. As Radiohead once sang, you do it to yourself, and that’s why it really hurts."

The people running the US and its allies in the WOT can only be considered as suicidal morons to have done so much damage to their own countries.  Imagine what could have been accomplished if the resources wasted on these wars had been instead spent on education, medical research, medical care, infrastructure repairs and improvements, poverty reduction, etc., etc.

Consider also that the freedoms guaranteed in the American Constitution are now all history, and that, therefore, Osama bin Laden has achieved his stated goal - he has destroyed the American Republic and effectively created a presidential dictatorship enforced by the military.  Wow, that's efficacy for you!

Monday, March 25, 2013


If these statistics are true, 9/11 is just a dust spec in the haystack of US mayhem.  However, it has resulted in their government destroying other countries, killing thousands, wasting trillions of $$$ and shredding their own constitution.  Wow!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Canada officially becomes an international pirate

Here's an article form the Montreal Gazette explaining that Canada jumped into Libya's civil war so that Canadian businesses could get control of Libyan valuables.

I guess Canada is trying to join up with the big boys now.  Forget all that helping the downtrodden stuff, there's resources to be plundered!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

The Golden Rule - Redux ...

Here's how the US government wants the world to view drone attacks:

Somehow, I don't think they would agree with the legality of the scenario described in this article.  I mean, really, who would allow that others can do unto you as you do unto them?  That thinking is do pre-9/11, so childishly christian.  Why would anyone expect the rule of law to apply to those who spout the law?