Monday, November 17, 2014

ISIS et al are the direct result of western interference in the middle east

Here's is an article that points the finger at 'us' (lower case) as the proximate cause of the extremism in the middle east.  If we want them to stop attacking us, our governments must stop inflicting violence over there.

Given the absolute failure of all our attempts at solving the problems in the middle east, why not try something different.  Let's walk away and let them solve their own problems.  They will still sell us oil, because they need to do so in order to survive.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

See - it's not just me!

Others have noticed the destruction of Canada's values by the Harper gov't:

Let's hope Canadians realize it as well before the next election.  Maybe the damage can be repaired.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

'False Flag' operations in Canada ... ?

Given everything that has been revealed about the US involvement in other countries' affairs, this article strikes a ring of truth:

There is no doubt that Canadians are now prepared to allow Harper's gang to take away more of our rights as a result of the recent murders.  It would not surprise me if he was just following orders from Washington.

Excuse me while I polish my tinfoil hat, but there are many examples of this sort of interference by US 'interests' in the affairs of sovereign states.  Canada would just be another example to add to the folder.

There is a difference between a war and a soldier ...

Check out this article, and be prepared to think:

It is interesting that all the babble about respecting veterans and troops never includes a discussion of the efficacy of the battles they fought; both for the troops themselves and for the average person in all the countries involved.

Corporations are the only beneficiaries of war.  Money is taken from the citizens and poured into corporate bank accounts, with nothing left to show for it all after the violence ends except mangled bodies and destroyed cultures.

When will we ever learn?