Thursday, March 26, 2015

Wikileaks exposes the TPP draft. This is important.

Here are the details about the Transpacific Trade Partnership that our governments are now secretly negotiating.  Thanks to Wikileaks, we finally get a glimpse into the horrors of these trade agreements:

Here is a look at the effect such agreements could have on our food supply:

So much for governments working for the people.  It's all about corporate greed.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Welcome the totalitarian state ...

... that's on its way to your neighbourhood!

There is a good look at Harper's new plan to ban thoughts and dissent in Canada in the article above.

Corporate America fights back against dissent from the party line

Google has leapt to the defense of the US military's new lust for war in the middle east by censoring all ads on




Why they hate us ...

... is quite obvious from the pictures at this site:

The 'values' demonstrated by the captors in these recently released photos are certainly worth fighting against.