Wednesday, April 29, 2015

More horror stories about so-called free trade deals ...

Check out this description of recent events:

The real purpose of these agreements is to gut the powers of nations to control their own resources and laws.  Corporations are to be allowed to do anything they want, anywhere, as long as their potential profits are not affected.  Countries are not allowed to do anything that could potentially lower these profits.

Only corporations are to be allowed to reap profits.  Nations will not be allowed to do anything profitable; any such activities must be turned over to corporations.  Examples include the privatization of highways, water supplies, airports, education and health care and the concept of mineral rights that allows corporations to develop mines and 'frack' under land that they do not even own.  The hapless land owner (local government, for instance) is always left to clean up the mess after the extraction process is finished and the corporate shareholders have pocketed their profits.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

The TPP is not a trade deal ...

..., it is a means of giving corporations the power to overturn or avoid any laws that limit their ability to make profits:

Safety, environmental, health and even tax laws could be repealed if businesses don't like them.  The citizens of the country don't get to have a say in how their country will be run.

Why the TPP (TransPacific Partnership) trade deal should be rejected absolutely

More explanation of why this agreement will be horrible for people, but excellent for corporations:

All the really successful thieves wear suits, and act strictly in accordance with the laws that they created that allow them to control the game.  You have more chances of winning at a casino than you do when dealing with corporations.

There is no longer any hope that any government will act in the best interests of its populace.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Why Bill C-51 should be rejected absolutely

This article explains the real purpose of Harper's Bill C-51, in a broad context.  It is worth reading, if only so that we can look back on it when the hammer falls.

Only masochistic ignoramuses could vote for this bill.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Canadian lawsuit attempts to restore the Bank Of Canada

Here is an interesting development:

This case could be monumental if it succeeds.

Banks usurp democracy ...

... by controlling the money supply.

Read this article:

It seems that all the votes in the world do not matter since all governments are indebted to private banks, most of which are multinationals.