Wednesday, July 29, 2015

The Euro, Greece, theft etc.

Greg Palast has a lot to say about the Greek crisis and the Euro as a tool of theft:

Privatization rears its ugly head again.  Corporations gain control of a country's assets, pocket the profits, and leave the people to starve.

The Greek financial story we were never told ..

... but Greg Palast has the info:

Once again, the big banks/financial institutions prove that they care for nothing except their own bottom line, ... ... ... and they will break every law and ethical canon to get more profit regardless of who suffers from their profit-taking machinations.

Ain't capitalism grand, particularly when it gets to write and enforce the rules under which corporations operate?

Friday, July 3, 2015

Our governments are wasting their time and our money fighting terrorism!

Here's what has been accomplished in the 'terrorism' war recently:

All that seems to emerge is the fact that your death matters a lot more if it happens in a 'terrorist' incident, than if your messy death happens in a more mundane way (ie shot while being mugged, for instance).  Also 'terrorists' don't really kill all that many of us, while we seem to be collaterally killing a lot of 'them'

The real obscenity emerges when you consider what could have been accomplished if the money wasted on the 'terrorism' shenanigans (in excess of $2,000,000,000,000 since 9/11/2001) had been spent on something useful, eg:
       leprosy treatment
       malaria vaccinations
       safe drinking water provision
       alternate/renewable energy sources
       eliminating tax havens for corporations
       expanding medical care
       medical research
       transit infrastructure
       etc., etc.,

All of these alternative uses of funds would have been of more benefit to the people of the world than the paltry results of the failed 'war on terror'.

But notice that the banks, corporations, mercenaries and Wall St. types would not have benefited as much as they have in the last 15 years.

There is a lesson to be learned in all of this ...

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Some religious comedy

Here's a pretty good exposé of the hypocrisy related to the concept of marriage:

The bible really is not where one should go looking for advice.