Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Secret Law explained.

This article show how secret interpretations of laws allow gov'ts to justify torturing prisoners, spying on all citizens, and starting wars without legislative approval.  It's the modern modus operandi, and avoids all that pesky public discussion that so often hinders dictators.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Posting New Secret Trade Docs, Wikileaks Further Exposes Corporate Plot

The ongoing effort to turn our democracy over to the control of corporations is clearly explained in this article:

Posting New Secret Trade Docs, Wikileaks Further Exposes Corporate Plot

Unfortunately, we place to much trust in the glib pretty faces of our politicians to be able to do much about it.  Our elections are never about the important ideas, they are always about trivial crap and red herrings placed into the corporate-controlled media to to make sure our attention never focuses on, indeed, never even notices, the behind the scenes deals that are in all these so-called trade deals.

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Here are the values you espouse when you "support the troops"

A thoughtful dissertation on the implications of our worship of the military

The ubiquitous presence of the military does not speak well for our values.  It just indicates that we are violent bullies at heart.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016