Monday, November 4, 2013

The insanity of the war on terror

Here is an article reacting to the recent LAX murder:

The extract below struck me as instructive:
"There is nothing "random" at all. We have chosen insanity over reason. We have done it with our eyes open. It is time for me to walk out of the airport now. I am leaving behind a terrible event. But I am not leaving behind something accidental. I am leaving behind what America has determined must happen from time to time, if we are to be a free people. I am leaving behind what America has determined is part of the cost of being an American. I am leaving behind the blood that I am told I must accept as part of the price of being a member of a free society. I am leaving behind a place of death, and I am joining my fellow citizens, as we make an odd pilgrimage out of a place that is now another altar of the blood sacrifice that I am told we must make, regularly, in order to be truly free. I am a free citizen, I am told, of the Republic of Murder, my rights guaranteed by the Constitution of Moloch."
Considering the trillions of dollars wasted on the war on terror over the last decade or so, why would the US not direct that money to solving the problem of gun deaths in the USA?  Certainly thousands more Americans are dead as a result of Americans 'randomly' shooting Americans than from any actual terrorists attacks.  Why are these dead people not given the same respect as the 9/11 victims?  Why has the US government taken away everyone's freedoms - the right to privacy, due process, habeus corpus, freedom from arbitrary arrest, search, seizure and even torture etc., etc.,  - in the futile attempt to reduce terrorist attacks, and yet they will not restrict anyone's right to bear arms inside the USA?

Pierce's article also reveals the depradation of the American love of freedom, when he doesn't even recognize the irony when he claims: "I am leaving behind the blood that I am told I must accept as part of the price of being a member of a free society."
You are no longer a member of a free society, Charles, you are living in the USA in 2013.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Here's why you cannot always trust the news you see, hear or read.

This little article is an important exposé of the shadowy censorship under which we all live:

The whole story is often never exposed, trivialities occupy the front page, and gross obscenities are hidden from view.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Our Government is breaking our laws

Consider this analysis of our Treaty obligations wrt spying, and we can only conclude that our government is carrying out illegal operations.

The persecution of whistleblowers by government seems like Al Capone knocking off rival gang members.

Do you still believe in the rule of law or is the government free of such passé restraints?

Monday, September 30, 2013

Us vs Them: Where do you fit in?

Here is an interesting article by Chris Hedges that discusses how our world actually works these days:

He makes some very good observations and then presents us with the choice:  carry on into dystopia or change things so that humans can survive.

Occupy or Submit?  Your choice.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

So you think bankers are your friends ...

Check out this under-reported (non-?) story from Geg Palast:

As Greg says:

"The Memo confirmed every conspiracy freak's fantasy:  that in the late 1990s, the top US Treasury officials secretly conspired with a small cabal of banker big-shots to rip apart financial regulation across the planet.  When you see 26.3% unemployment in Spain, desperation and hunger in Greece, riots in Indonesia and Detroit in bankruptcy, go back to this End Game memo, the genesis of the blood and tears."

Monday, June 10, 2013

Thursday, June 6, 2013

A police state at work


If this is true, then perhaps the government should provide everyone with free phone service in the interests of national security.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

The FBI comes a-calling ...

... and the result doesn't seem to pass the smell test:

This really seems to represent the depths to which the rule of law has fallen in the US.

Anybody feeling safer yet?

Sunday, May 12, 2013

A revolutionary OLD concept: the CommonWealth

Here is a reasonable starting point for a discussion of the horrors inherent to unfettered privatization and corporate growth:

Many of the profits that currently accrue to corporations should actually be returned to the common wealth from which they were derived.  It is frightening that so few people feel that they have a common wealth to which they are entitled.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Is this a defining moment for our descent ...

.. into fascist totalitarianism?

The rather extensive exploration by Glenn Greenwald (see link above) of what should be a minor event in life's little drama reveals the extent to which mindless obedience to authority has pervaded our culture.  I see a parallel to Jews turning in gypsies to the Nazi death squads during WWII quite clearly.

Governments should never be viewed with reverence, and certainly not with unquestioning obedience and acquiescence.  They are formed for the sole purpose of exercising the brute force that is sometimes necessary to allow a culture to defeat thugs, thieves and organized gangs of such people.  Constitutional and democratic governments try to limit the government's use of such power to those occasions for which violence is the last resort.

Dissent and discussion have been found necessary to the health of any truly free society, and nothing guarantees that freedom more than the ability and willingness to prosecute anyone, including and particularly government officials, who violate the laws designed to protect everyone's right to live in freedom and peace.

The little saga of the San Francisco Gay Pride Parade's Grand Marshall detailed above shows haw low our culture has fallen in dealing fairly and courageously with those who would attempt to shine some light on the sins of those in positions of authority.

We are all in danger because of this willfully blind mindset.

Guns don't kill people, bullets do ...

... so who do you think is buying a really monstrous number of bullets? ... ... ...

... why it's ... ...

The Department of Homeland Security!!!

I don't make this stuff up!

I suppose that Canada's Vic Toews (The Minister of Public Safety) will be signing off of the bullet requisitions any day now.  It only makes sense! (in a post 9/11ish, cowardly, bullying, ignorant, lapdogish, wanna-be-tough-looking sort of way).

Friday, April 26, 2013

A necessary study

The recent report from the Constitution Project in the US confirms in great detail that the US government, from its top officials on downward through the ranks, has committed war crimes with its handling of prisoners.

It seems that only by prosecuting those responsible will our society regain its moral compass.  Canada's governments have been compliant in this evil process as well, and there are no shortages of people in need of prosecution up here.

We have to enforce our laws and Treaties uniformly with respect to all classes of society.  The past decades have shown that the bad guys are often those in high office or with great wealth.

Time to restore the equilibrium in our little experiment in democracy.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Time to look into the mirror ...

 ... to see who the real bad guys are.  This article pretty well nails it:

So, if we wish to live under the rule of law, there seems to be a lot of prosecuting to do, particularly amongst the ruling classes.

However, as most people don't seem to care about these niceties, due to the the true nature of our world it would be wise to hook up with a strong gang of thugs to ensure your security.  Don't trust the gummint, those guys are taking care of themselves first!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

The Gulf Oil Spill might have been prevented ...

if only people had listened to Bradley Manning!

Here's a remarkable story about the sort of information that was leaked from US State Department files by Manning and which should have been acted upon by the 'authorities':

BP and the US gov't concealed information that proved that the reason for the blowout at the drilling rig was fully explainable and happened simply because BP was too cheap to do the job right.

Another example of the rich corporations being above the law, with the full complicity of those who should be enforcing the laws.

Friday, March 29, 2013

More thoughts on priorities

Here's a paragraph from a discussion by Spencer Ackerman ( that is worth serious thought:

"Money, ultimately, is power. In context, it would take a nuclear strike on the United States to inflict the kind of economic damage that the wars have reaped. The only nations capable of inflicting such damage are disinclined toward doing so; and no non-state actor will plausibly obtain the capability to match such a threat. All of that damage is the result not of what bin Laden or Saddam Hussein or the insurgencies that began in their wake did to America, but because of how American strategiests chose to respond. As Radiohead once sang, you do it to yourself, and that’s why it really hurts."

The people running the US and its allies in the WOT can only be considered as suicidal morons to have done so much damage to their own countries.  Imagine what could have been accomplished if the resources wasted on these wars had been instead spent on education, medical research, medical care, infrastructure repairs and improvements, poverty reduction, etc., etc.

Consider also that the freedoms guaranteed in the American Constitution are now all history, and that, therefore, Osama bin Laden has achieved his stated goal - he has destroyed the American Republic and effectively created a presidential dictatorship enforced by the military.  Wow, that's efficacy for you!

Monday, March 25, 2013


If these statistics are true, 9/11 is just a dust spec in the haystack of US mayhem.  However, it has resulted in their government destroying other countries, killing thousands, wasting trillions of $$$ and shredding their own constitution.  Wow!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Canada officially becomes an international pirate

Here's an article form the Montreal Gazette explaining that Canada jumped into Libya's civil war so that Canadian businesses could get control of Libyan valuables.

I guess Canada is trying to join up with the big boys now.  Forget all that helping the downtrodden stuff, there's resources to be plundered!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

The Golden Rule - Redux ...

Here's how the US government wants the world to view drone attacks:

Somehow, I don't think they would agree with the legality of the scenario described in this article.  I mean, really, who would allow that others can do unto you as you do unto them?  That thinking is do pre-9/11, so childishly christian.  Why would anyone expect the rule of law to apply to those who spout the law?

Thursday, February 14, 2013

The Way We Were ...

Here's a really good description of the way things used to be in the western world before torture, rendition, and governmental murder became the 'in' thing.

How quaint to think that most of us used to support the former rule of law as described in the Judge's article.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Welcome to the new Age of Tribalism

Glenn Greenwald discusses the phenomenon of 'us' versus 'them' that is behind the shabby state of politics and human rights discussions in the modern era:

This willful blindness to the murderous consequences of faithfully supporting your 'party' when it is the governing power applies as much to Canada as the US.

Welcome to the steep descent into the next age of tribalist thuggism.  Fear has triumphed over reason.  Things are likely to get very messy, soon.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

The law as a murder weapon

The recent suicides of two hackers reveal how the government now deals with its detractors - it haggles them to death with the law:

If the power exists someone will abuse it.

The other point that isn't getting enough attention is the comparative effort the DOJ devotes to these hacking crimes versus that given to actual physical murders (drone assassinations) and trillion dollar thefts by Wall Street bankers.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Our current economic system

Just in case you were wondering why nobody has any money or pensions anymore, read this:

If you think this system is just peachy-keen, read it again, then ask yourself why you continue working for someone else's profit (taxed at a lower rate than your meager wages) while the government continues to give the country's natural resource wealth, sans frais, to corporations who don't ever clean up their own detritus, and use bankruptcy laws as a means of evading pension and contract responsibilities.

Servitude! - the modern way of life!

And if  you've read this far, here's another illuminating article about our loss of control over the business beast:

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Intimidation, and its aftermath

This story illustrates the obscene nature of a government that encourages torture and child murder (collateral damage), and yet throws the full power of the law against those who disagree with the corporatist desire to commercialize every aspect of human life.

How depressing.